mad rush

I’m just working, working, working, trying to fill holiday orders and stockpiling for the two holiday sales I’ve got coming up. I’m making ceramics like mad, printing things, sewing things, bending things, and of course, making more cards. Sometimes though, I’m in such a rush, that accidents happen. It’s all fun and games until someone loses an arm…



holiday markets

Sorry for the absence, busy busy with holiday stuff- more posts in the next couple weeks… for now, just an announcement- if you’re a local yokel, please visit me at one of the two holiday things I’m doing- there’s Crafeteria and People Still Need Presents. Stop by and say hello- I’d love to meet the folks who read this blog and support fold!


Lately I’ve been working on carafes… Here’s a photo of a couple of them. The scale is the photo is a little funny- my “light box” isn’t quite large enough to give enough space- but these particular vessels are about 10-12″ tall. I’m hoping to sell a bunch at people still need presents