paper blogs

Thanks to Nole at oh so beautiful paper and Kristin at paper crave for posting some of my cards as part of their valentine’s day roundups! There’s a lot of interesting photos/links to small companies with some terrific products- my two new favorites are these fabric flowers and these tiny milk cartons.

I’ve also got the last of my valentines up at the shop– these and the earrings would make terrific gifts for the upcoming holiday….


I’ve decided to try and post more links on this blog this year- I’ve found that many of my favorite blogs are my favorites because of the other places they lead me to- that otherwise, I wouldn’t have found. Today’s link is to a photographer, based out of Copenhagen, Simon Hoegsberg, who takes beautiful photographs- the light quality in the images is amazing, coupled with his conceptually interesting projects. This project is my current favorite.


happy new year

Hope that everyone had a good holiday season + winter break! Things here at the blog were pretty quiet, but I’m ready to start posting like mad! Or at least, a bit more regularly!

One of the most interesting gifts we got this year was from B’s sister- a donation to Heifer International in our name. Heifer International is a terrific organization- here’s a description of their work from their website:

Heifer’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth.

By giving families a hand-up, not just a hand-out, we empower them to turn lives of hunger and poverty into self-reliance and hope

With gifts of livestock and training, we help families improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways. We refer to the animals as “living loans” because in exchange for their livestock and training, families agree to give one of its animal’s offspring to another family in need. It’s called Passing on the Gift – a cornerstone of our mission that creates an ever-expanding network of hope and peace.

The donation given in our name (B. and I) was for a flock of chicks. Pretty appropriate, considering what fanatical chicken people we are… And the box that was gift wrapped explaining the donation contained this: