
Back to blogging- hope everyone had a good holiday season… I get so burnt out with all of the holiday madness that I end up needing to take a break. Anyway, happy new year and here’s a quick shot of a turntable card that I made for a friend’s birthday- he’s a dj. I literally made it a half hour before his party, so there wasn’t time to take a good photo, but you get the idea.


new holiday cards + holiday shows

I’ve posted the last of the new holiday cards at the shop– check them out when you get a chance. If you’re a local, you can also check them out in person, during the holiday shows I’m in this year- crafeteria (Dec. 6), Blackbird Holiday Bazaar and Exhibition (December 7- Jan 4) and People Still Need Presents (Dec. 8)

Here’s a photo of a few of the new cards…

new holiday cards

a little sewing

I’ve been doing a little sewing this summer. I love textiles, and it gives me a chance to play with a different set of colors and aesthetics. I like to think that taking time to work with something new and different gives me a chance to stretch my mental wings a bit, and helps bring a new focus back to my other work.  Here’s a little preview- I’ll have some stuff for sale too in a little bit…

hot pads sewingzip pouch purple greenzip pouch indigo dot